Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 28th

February 28th is a special day around here!

It's sweet sweet Nana's birthday! I know she is celebrating in heaven and eating tons of poor man icing cake and all of her other favorite things! :)

I always joked with Nana about having babies in February because SO many people in their family have February birthdays. :) When we found out that Tucker would be born in February we just knew that sweet Nana had something to do with it! :) 

Then on February 28th, 2013 we went to our first OB appointment for my second pregnancy and found out we were expecting twins! I'm for sure that Nana paired up with God again on this one! :) 

February is a special month for our family and extended family and a lot of these special people wouldn't be here with our sweet Nana!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow...RAIN Day!

We had early dismissal yesterday because of the BIG winter storm coming...well we saw some parts of it! We had some sleet, hail, rain and a tiny bit of snow! The kids school closed early too. We got off work, got the kids and headed home. And waited for the BIG storm...well we got all kinds of things from the storm but nothing big! 

The girls liked looking at the snow coming down. It just wasn't cold enough for it to stick. 

After we put the girls to bed we took TJH out when it was snowing. He LOVED it! Made me sad that it didn't actually stick. He did enjoy the little slush that was outside for him to play with. 

We are out of school was supposed to do more overnight but it didn't. But better be safe than sorry. We are home with just some cold wet ice. O well, I'll take a day at home with my family!! :) 

We did some indoor sledding this morning to entertain the kiddos! 

Okay, come on Spring!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


 So What Wednesdays! 
Go over to Life After I 'Dew' for more fun links!
Here is what I'm saying So What to this week:

So What If ...
  • I was so excited when one of my favorite bloggers did her link up post last week...So What Wednesday! I've done if for years with her but she kind of stopped so I did too. ha! :) But I thought, what the hey! Let's do it again! It will probably help me get back into my regular blogging again! :)
  • I either want a big snow or spring to come! I'm kind of over this in between/teasing us stuff! Give me lots of snow with multiple days off or bring on the sunshine and warmer weather!
  • I cared more about getting rid of the stuff we had for our garage sale then the actual profit. Now, I'm not saying I didn't want to make any money! But I getting rid of the stuff before we move was more important. We did make a good profit on our stuff last Saturday...we are going to have another yard sale in March. We are hoping for nicer weather! ha! :)
  • 1 1/2  school weeks until my Spring Break! WHOOP! :) Can't wait to have some down time with the kiddos. 
  • I'm excited to document the process of building our home. I think it will be so fun to look back over those pictures. My mom did the same thing with our childhood home. 
  • The one spring clothes item that I'm going to need for my wardrobe is a pair of white skinnies...if you know where would have those let me know! :) I had the CUTEST pair when I was pregnant with the girls but they are maternity and this girl doesn't have any buns in the oven! :)
  • Talking about spring...the Easter candy is out and boy am I excited! You know, I have seasonal candy favorites! I've already picked up a bag or two of my favorites! 

    Sunday, February 22, 2015

    Frozen Week

    The weather was just crazy this past week! We went from ice to snow to rain to warmer weather...crazy! 

    Tuesday we were out of school because of ice. Wednesday was cold but Thursday was even colder!

    Wednesday I took TJH to his 3 year well visit! He did great!

    38 inches 
    and everything else is perfect! 

    We went to Waffle House for breakfast afterwards! He loved it!

    Wednesday when we took the students to the bus it started snowing like crazy and it was the MOST fun dismissal (besides the last day of school!) ever! We all skipped out in the snow to the bus! :) 
    Here are my two sweet student teachers...they loved it too! 

    Thursday was insane with the cold temps! We hoped for no school but we still had it. 

    Thursday was the Mr's 31st birthday! We celebrated with dinner, carrot cake and blowing out candles with TJH! :) 

    Friday my sweet MIL and AIL came and helped us get prepared for a yard sale...we were worried all week about the weather. 

    These two women helped SOOO much with getting things ready and helping with the actual sale! 

    We had a big birthday dinner Friday night for the Mr.! J and M came over, my sister K came, and we all ate lemon pepper chicken, strawberry salad and I made chocolate cupcakes with orange buttercream icing! It was a fun night celebrating the Mr's 31st birthday! 

    These two crack us up all the time! Best sisters ever!

    Saturday we had the yard sale and it was a pretty big success considering the weather and all! 

    We took turns being inside with the kiddos. 

    EK and Lucy's view of the yard sale! 

    Livi got to come play when it had warmed up a little bit outside while the other two napped. 

    We got rid of a lot of stuff which was the main goal! And made a good amount of money. We just don't want to move stuff we aren't using or don't need. :) 

    Lovin' on GMama!

    And Aunt B too! :) 

    Then later in the afternoon we had G and Aunt B follow us out to the new house! Well, it's just land right now! :) 

    We walked around and let them see our lot and the neighborhood. :) 

    The kiddos loved running around and some of our neighbors were out so we visited with them....the Mr. actually teaches their son so we already know them. :) 

    We came home, ate dinner and then put the kids to bed. :) 

    It was wonderful busy week with crazy weather! Either I want real snow or just spring to come! ha! :) 

    Wednesday, February 18, 2015

    Ice Day 2015

    We haven't had any snow this year but we did get an ICE day! :) We will take what we can get!!

    The Mr. and I both were out of school!!

    We had blueberry and chocolate chip waffles for breakfast made by the Mr! 

    We watched some Frozen and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 

    We painted and colored.

    The kiddos took great naps and loved being home with us. :) 

    My sister K came in the middle of the night because she lost power. The Mr. took her to work later in the day and I picked her up. 

    We got our normal $5 pizza and hung out with Aunt Dall some more! :)