Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to your family!

We are so very THANKFUL for our family, health and happiness! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lots to Update!

This little blog has taken the backseat again...oops. I'm usually pretty good at doing life and blogging but sometimes life becomes more important. But no worries, we are still here and doing great!

Here are some things you've missed since I've been away...

My best friend L had her sweet baby on October 27th...we all three guessed it was a boy and we were right!!! Carter Lee is so handsome and sweet!

We didn't do much for Halloween this year...Olivia was pretty sick and TJH requested that he just get in his pjs and play with Emma Kate. So that's what we did. Later in the weekend we found out that Livi Cay had an ear infection. 

All three kids are in "school" now. We are SO happy with our childcare situation now. All three have adjusted so well and love their teachers at school. TJH started about 3 weeks before the girls and now the girls are working on their 3rd week. Everyone at the school has been so patient and loving towards the kiddos as they made this huge adjustment. 

We celebrated our friend O's 2nd birthday a couple weekends ago...he's so sweet! The kiddos loved playing out in their big backyard and celebrating with O and his family! :)

The house is decorated for Christmas! We love to do it mid November because we just love Christmas time and now that TJH is old enough he totally knows what's going on and LOVES it!

Emma Kate is WALKING! :) She started walking on her 14 month birthday! She LOVES to walk and does it all the time. She still falls a lot but that doesn't get her down. She gets the biggest smile on her face while she is walking. Olivia loves that her sister is walking along side her!

Sorry for the long delay...hopefully we are back to regular updates! :)