Dear Emma Kate and Olivia,
What a great week! You two are into everything these days and are always making us smile!
So glad some of your clothes still fit from last fall! :) Glad, Aunt Cee bought clothes a little bit bigger. :)
You two got your first birthday present!!! A super fun cupcake kitchen from our cousin M! :) So much fun! You girls LOVE it and have already baked SO many cupcakes!
Daddy went out of town for the weekend. We still had A LOT of fun at home for the weekend!
Tucker wanted to read a book to you two before bed and you two actually listened. :)
You two liked watching TJH pick up the dead bugs outside on Saturday morning!
Saturday morning we headed out on a hike with J and M! You two LOVED being in the stroller on the bumpy trail!
Caught you two holding hands on the trail too! :)
TJH was tickling you two so much and you both loved it! I got some super cute videos of it!
Climbing the stairs...yall did so good! Later in the weekend this wouldn't end so well. :(
Sunday morning started off great! Lots of playing and big breakfasts!
Then when it was time for morning nap we all headed up the stairs...Owie, you went a few ahead and then turned around I guess to see where EK was and fell down a few stairs and hit your head. :( We had to take you to Urgent Care and you got 4 stitches. :( You were SO brave!
Waiting on the numbing meds to work.
Right after the stitches.
Asleep on the way home.
When we got back TJH and EK had had so much fun with J and M! We are SO thankful for them!
Sister and Sisterbear back together!
After good long naps we all ate lunch together! :) Great talks at lunch!
Wouldn't know by these picutres that Owie had such a rough morning. You did cry on and off all day because of the pain.
Other than the stitches it was a wonderful week! We love you two so very much!