Monday, March 31, 2014

EKH & OCH Week 29

Dear Emma Kate and Olivia,

This past week was probably one of the toughest weeks we've had since you girls were about 6 weeks and under. Both of you were sick. :( You still gave us tons of smiles and laughs throughout the week though!

Over the weekend you started to run a fever EK. Well by Sunday night things had gotten way worse. You wouldn't let us put you down flat and you broke out in a rash. Mommy took you to the ER very early Monday morning(12:30AM) and we got home from the ER around 4:30AM. The ER doctor told us that you just had a "viral infection". Mommy knew it was something more. You hadn't slept in over 12 hours. You finally slept for 3 hours when we got home. Mommy called your doc and took you in on Monday afternoon. (Tucker went too because had a fever all weekend too.)

Mommy was trying to distract you in the hospital while we waited!

Olivia, you were feeling fine on Monday. Mommy loved being at home with you too. :)

Aunt J was here for the week and helped a lot with both of you girls while Mommy was home from work to take care of EK and TJH. 

You girls played throughout the day on Monday while we waited to go to the doc. 

You girls love your soft books. The pink one is a big hit and you usually grab this one from each other. :) 

So late Monday afternoon we found out correct news from our doc that you had a very bad ear infection, Emma Kate. Mommy knew that you had one and was glad that our doc was able to get you started on some meds. 

We are thankful for a wonderful doc who could tell in 2 seconds what was wrong with you. (Mommy and Daddy were not happy that the other doc at the ER didn't do his job correctly.) Monday night was still a pretty rough night for us. 

Mommy stayed home with you girls on Tuesday too. We wanted to make sure you didn't have any reactions to the meds EK, and Olivia you started to not feel well on Tuesday. We think you might have gotten the viral infection part too. 

We played in between a few short naps on Tuesday. You girls weren't feeling well still. 

Olivia, you sweet big brother ask to hold you and love on you. :) 

You girls started carrots on Tuesday evening and LOVED them! This has been yalls very favorite veggie so far!

After veggies, Aunt J fed you girls your bottle to Mommy could run to the gym. :) 

Wednesday Mommy had to go back to work. You girls had a good morning but Aunt J said your afternoon was kind of rough. When I got home we ate carrots, took baths and played a little bit before bed. 

When I was getting your bath ready, you girls took it upon yourself to have girl talk and touch each other faces. I stopped and listened and watched...Livi you caught me watching. :) 

You girls love when Daddy gets home. 

This what we do most evenings. Play with our favorite babies! :)

Thursday Mommy had late night of parent/teacher conferences so we didn't get much play time, but Mommy was able to put you both to bed. :) You girls didn't nap much at all for Aunt Jan...but you went down great at bedtime.

EK, you slept better Thursday night. Sleeping all the way until 3:30am. You've been up every night this week because of your ear infection. The meds have also made you have lots of dirty diapers. We are praying you are almost done with this sickness.

Friday afternoon we played! Mommy was home early because of early release at school! :)

Our new double jogging stroller came! Mommy put it together while everyone napped!

Olivia, you are getting so good at sitting! Mommy can sit behind you and you can sit for a while with hardly any support. 

EK, you and T played for a while on Friday afternoon! He wanted to hold and feed you too! :) 

In between rain showers we went for a good long walk on Friday evening when Daddy got home! 

You girls LOVED your new stroller! 

Saturday we hung out around the house and played. We wanted to make sure you girls had time to rest and continue to get better. 

EK, you let Mommy rock you...this doesn't happen hardly at all. Such a sweet moment. :)

Saturday night after you girls had gone to bed Mommys best friend H and her sweet little girl B came! They had a wedding to attend in town and afterwards they came to stay with us. We played all Sunday morning! It was so much fun! You girls LOVED watching B and T play together. :)

Sunday you girls tried a new veggie! Butternut Squash! You both LOVED it and ate every single bit! :) 

Whew, what a great/busy week! This week started out rough and ended so great! We are praying that you girls continue to feel better. 

We love you girls so very much and are so thankful for you!


Friday, March 28, 2014

This week...

This week...

I pulled an all nighter...literally
I've had about 15 cups of coffee.
I've kissed my babies about 1,000,000,000,000,000 times.
I've had 22 parent/teacher conferences.
I spent 4.5 hours in the ER and took two of my babies to the doc.
I've probably had 10 minutes of covo with my husband...besides babies schedules.
I've thanked God for my family, friends and co workers.
I was weighed and my body fat % was taken for our school's Biggest Loser competition. 
I've used a lot of Emoji's...they have been helpful in describing my feelings through text messages.
I purchased Tucker two new books from our Book Fair. 
I haven't slept more than 3.5 hours in a row. 
I have taken many deep breaths. 
I've looked at all I have been given and have and am thankful for my beautiful life!