Dear Emma Kate and Olivia Cay,
What a magical week! Your very first Christmas! :)
The week started out with last minute Christmas preparations...and you girls of course had to be dressed for it! :) You watched Daddy wrap presents and Mommy bake cookies!
You girls looked so cute in your oneies from M!
Tuesday was your first Christmas Eve! You girls had a great day of good naps in between the fun! We baked Nana's butter cookies and played at the house! Then we headed to Christmas Eve service at girls did excellent! There was no childcare so you girls stayed with us and we sat in the back.
You girls had your usual play time and a little bit tummy time!
Wednesday was Christmas! And Olivia...I didn't get one picture of you...I'm so sad about this...every time we did stuff with the camera you were asleep. But you had a great Christmas! We all did...and it was so special having you girls apart of our day!
Thursday we headed to PTC for some fun!
You girls did great in the car!
As soon as we got to PTC we had lunch and great visits with some of Mommy and Daddy's friends!
Wearing your big bows!
Olivia, your cousin A LOVED playing with you!
EK you love rocking in Grandpa's big chair!
Friday night we had "Christmas" dinner with Great Grandma H!
Saturday we just hung out at G's house and snuggled a was a super rainy day.
Sunday was FILLED with lots of fun!
B and her sweet daughter C came to visit us and meet your girls. EK you loved when B was holding were getting tired when we took the pic.
Mommy was SO glad to see B and C...and you girls loved meeting them too!
Then R and her mom came by to meet you girls...and brought you a sweet gift!
Then we headed over to the B's house...these are very special friends of Mommy and Daddy. Their daughter LK was a flower girl in our wedding. :)
On the way there Tucker was holding your hand Olivia. :) He sure does love you girls!
LK holding EK :)
EK you loved being held by R and you fell asleep on A for a while. :)
We had a great visit and they loved meeting you girls!
Then we later on Sunday evening we headed to Atlanta for a fun night of lights! You girls did was pretty cold. We bundled you up good. :)
When we got home it was late but TJH wanted to love on you girls!
O my what a wonderful week! Your first Christmas Eve and Christmas...SO special! :) We are so blessed to have you girls apart of the holidays this year!
We love you girls SO much!