Thursday, September 30, 2010


3 turn ONs:

1. Saying positive things to me and really truly meaning it. (Also, just POSITIVE people make me happy, why complain and be negative when life is short!)

2. Lovin' the Lord. I'm not a perfect person or Christian. But it's so great to me to see someone trying to live their life like Jesus. Don't just talk about it, but actually try to live it!
3. Good food, good friends and good times!

P.S. I know there are more than 3 items in my list...but I can't leave any of it out! :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


4 turn-offs:

1. Smoking. eww. enough said.

2. Drama. I don't care for people who start drama, get in the middle of drama and live for drama.

3. Unorganized. I'm the QUEEN of being organized. I understand not everyone is like me, but please have some sort of organization in your life.

4. People being late. This can be helped. You can be on time.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Look at what we found yesterday afternoon while I was working in After School:
Just amazing what God can do!

So refrshesing after two solid days of rain.


5 people who mean a lot to me:






Monday, September 27, 2010


(Not, sure why the pictures are to the left. I choose center...o well.)

This past weekend we remembered a VERY special person in our lives. The Mr.'s Nana! She went to heaven on August 15th. We waited until now to have her Memorial service so that everyone could attend. It was such a special weekend, and such a reminder of how important it is to lead your life in a POSITIVE way. How will people remember you?

This was one of the tables with many pictures and special things.

I just love this picture of her, isn't she just beautiful!? She was truly beautiful inside and out, and a HUGE prayer warrior!

The Mr. and I. Nana, would have wanted us to take a picture. She LOVED taking and looking at pictures.

Some of Nana's great-grandsons!

Some of her favorite colors in these flowers and a more recent picture of her. She was such a special person to so many people. Nana loved and treated me as her own since the day I met her almost 11 years ago.

A group of family members made this. It has all four of her children and then all of their children and grandchildren. Nana had a wonderfully huge family and she truly knew all of them. It was neat meeting people this weekend that I didn't know, but they knew about the Mr. and I because she always talked about all of her children, grand children and great-grand children!

The Mr. and I took all the little ones out to play after the Memorial.

Such cute kids!! They ate up the time with the Mr....they all love him so much!

Aren't they handsome boys!?!?!? Wish we lived closer to them, so we could spend more time with them!

So blessed to be married to such a strong family man!

Cousins playing together!

Love this picture! Ryan LOVES the Mr. and only wanted him to help on the monkey bars!

This weekend was hard but also so happy. Nana will never be forgotten...her legacy will live on forever here on Earth. I cannot wait to see her again in heaven. I hope that I can touch 1/4 of the lives that she touched while she was alive. She prayed for anyone that needed prayer and always encouraged us to do anything!

We love and miss you Nana!


Six things you wish you could change or wish you'd never done:

Well before I get started...I don't have any regrets...because everything happens for a reason.

1. Divorce.

2. Started college as an Education major and not as a Nursing major.

3. Joined my sorority my freshmen year instead of my sophomore year...sorority was the best thing I did in college!

4. Played more games (even though we played a million) of Rummikub with Nana before she went to heaven. :)

5. Kept my hair blond...I miss it so much.

6. Listen to my sweet friends in college about that "stupid boy"...but things wouldn't have worked out perfectly with me and the Mr.!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1. Timing for us to have children. I know God has a plan, and I'm only human and make my own plans too. I need to trust the Lord on this one completely...but it's hard.
2. Am I making a positive difference in someones life?
3. What would happen if I hadn't married the Mr? I mean my life would be so thankful the Lord put us back together 3 and half years ago!
4. I think about why people make the choices that they's hard to accept their choices sometimes. Or understand them.
5. Am I doing what the Lord wants me to be doing...I think I am, but sometimes I wonder if I listen to him COMPLETELY!
6. What life will be like when the Mr. and I retire...beach? mountains? or good ol' Georgia? haha!
7. I wish my hair would hurry up and grow!

Saturday, September 25, 2010



1. My sweet husband. Even though I might try to be a "tough girl" and think I don't need him...there is no way I could live WITHOUT him. I love you Mr.!

2. Lucy and Ethel! Enough said.

3. My "love" pillow. It's actually one of those "moshy" pillows, but I can't sleep without it. It's called "love" pillow because it's in the shape of a heart!

4. WATER...o my gosh. I'm so in love with water! I crave it.

5. My iPhone. I know...I're probably thinking bad thoughts about me. But I honestly use it for so much. I read the Bible on it, check the weather, TWITTER, Facebook, email and so much more.

6. Baby oil. The Mr. got me hooked on this. He used to always use it in the summer to keep his tan, so I started doing the same thing, but now I use baby oil everyday! It makes my skin so smooth and I hardly ever get dry skin now.

7. Good running shoes! I trained for about 3 months with bad shoes...HORRIBLE. Now, I have amazing running shoes and it make such a HUGE difference.

8. Laughter! It gets me through tough days, ends arguments and makes people smile!

Friday, September 24, 2010

One month....

one month until I run 13.1 miles for the first time!

one month until I hopefully complete my first HALF MARATHON!

one month more of training! ( I think I might miss the training when it's over!)

Day TWO:

9 Thing you may not know about me:

1. I'm a HUGE stickler about not wearing WHITE after Labor Day or before Easter!

2. I have "Charlie Horses" you know, when your leg cramps up in the middle of the night. I've gotten them my whole life, and last night I had two...ouch! Sometimes I'll wake up the Mr. and he will help me get rid of it!

3. I hated Math growing up, but now that I teach Math I'm secretly starting to LOVE it.

4. I sleep with a box fan every night, this is because my best friend L slept with one and we lived together for two years in college. I love the sound of it!

5. My long-term goal for my career is to be a principal. I love teaching, but I believe I was born to lead people.

6. My biggest fear about having children is that I won't find someone who I trust to watch them when I go back to work. The Mr. and I were so lucky to have stay-at-home moms. I pray about this a lot.

7. I only write in my calander with one kind of pen: BLACK PILOT G-2 07.

8. I lay out my clothes for the entire week on Sundays. This includes shoes, get the point. O, this also includes my running clothes.

9. I'm starting to listen to book-on-CD in my car, and I LOVE it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

So, I got this from a Sweet Georgia Peach, and thought I would try to do it too!

Over the next 10 days, blog about the items on this list:

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself that most people don't know.
Day Three: Eight things you couldn't live without.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you could change or you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot to you.
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two words that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

Day ONE:


I cannot wait for you to have sweet Whitney! I hope you know that I'm so proud of you! I hope I can have the strength, courage and positivity while I'm pregnant, just like you've had!! Please remember that I'm always here for you! Thank you for being such an amazing friend to me and being there for me always!


Even when you get on my nerves with your goofy/weird habits, I still thank God everyday that I'm married to my best friend! I don't know what life would be like without you! Thank you for taking care of me and loving me so much!

They really make me smile so much! I have a very talkative group this year, but so sweet! My students encourage me to work harder to teach them everything I can. I wake up at 4:15 everyday so that I can teach them, and it's worth it!

Sweet A:

Thank you for being a huge cheerleader for me in my life! You are truly the most wonderful example I have of someone who puts Christ first! Your love for your family, friends and the Lord is amazing! Thank you for always encouraging me!

B, K, and LK:I love you girls! Even though we don't live together anymore, we will always be sisters! You each bring such wonderfully different things into my life! I hope you all know that I love you so much and am always here for you even though I may be far away.


Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life! You brought so many friendships for the Mr. and I! We love our weekly gatherings! Thank you for helping me grow closer to Christ!


Thank you for loving me as one of your very own! Like A you are such a wonderful example of a woman of Christ! You put your family ahead of yourself at all times. Thank you for making me laugh alot too! I think I'm the only one that laughs at your jokes!


You make work so fun! I love what I do, but working with you all makes it amazing! I love the friendships that have grown between us! I love coming to work knowing that I have supportive people who have the same passions about children!


I know she is not a person, but goodness I love her so much! She brings so much pure joy into my life! She is always happy to see me, even if I come in in a bad mood. She is such a snuggle bug! Her personality is like no other dog! (Yes, I love Lucy alot too!)

Athens Church:

Thank you for making a church that so many people can relate to. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to volunteer in UpStreet every Sunday morning! Thank you for giving us the opportunity for the Mr. and I do do Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey. Thank you for making Jesus the center of all you do!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

These beautiful things are from the Mr.! But...they have made me SOOOO sick! I've never in my life been allergic to flowers...but I've had a migraine, hives and my throat has started to close up. I feel horrible....they are from my sweet husband and I just can't bare to get rid of them. I'm going to see if our front office staff would like them in the office with them!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Random Loves

2 weeks ago, my grandparents drove though town on their way back from NY to FL. It was so nice to see them and for them to see our new home! The Mr. cooked such yummy food all weekend and made sure the house was all set for them when they arrived!

Ethel quickly fell in love with Papa!

Aren't I cute?!?!

Papa, Grandma and my sis B at the creek!

Papa, Grandma and myself...please ignore the messy hair!

The girls showin' off their swimming skills for Grandma and Papa!

We had a nice visit with them!

This past week at school, our safety patrol had their induction ceremony! Police officers even come out for this event to OFFICALLY induct them!

Here are all the safety patrols for the 5th grade!

Here are my cuties from my class!

Living in a college town has it's ups and downs...Just thought I would throw that out there.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Whitney Reece

So...I was telling you about the major BABY FEVER I have...well it's partly because my BEST FRIEND is having a baby in about 8 weeks!!!! I cannot wait to be her "Auntie"! So, I had the honor of throwing C a shower this weekend! SO much fun!

I had so much using my Cricut to make alot of the decorations!

Whitney Reece

Up close!

Her monogram!

Half of the food table

Other half...plate says "happy baby equals happy mommy"

It's a girl! On the front door!

Me and the Mama-to-be! This is the outfit I made for her to bring Whitney home in! It has her monogram on it in pink.

The girls!

Showin' Whitney some love!

My BEST friend is going to be a MAMA!

Table with all the food!

I had such a good time preparing and at the shower! C is such a sweet person and deserves on the BEST!! I know she will be an AMAZING mommy!!! I cannot wait to be apart of her daughters life!!