Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Weekends with Us

I've always enjoyed my weekends. But now that I have three babies at home my weekends are so precious!

This weekend was wonderful. I think the Mr. and I could breath a little bit because we knew he was done. We knew we didn't  need to prep for another house guest. We knew it was just us for the weekend. 

Friday we hung out and went and dropped off  Baby T's 1st birthday present. Then we came back did a group bath and put the babies to bed. 

Saturday we went T's 1st birthday party. Which was PERFECT! J did great with the decorations, food and hospitality!

After the party we started to move the girls over into their own room! :)

The Mr. and I finally could watch the Scandal season finale.

Sunday we didn't go to church because O and EK both had fevers...we are pretty sure it was just teething but we wanted to play it safe! 

We got a LOT done this weekend too! The girls have been in our nook since they were born and they moved out this weekend. We moved them into their own room. Their room was the guest room for the last 5 months. But now, they are all moved in. Olivia took a night to adjust but EK was fine.

So in other eyes our weekend may have seemed boring, but to us it was wonderful! :)

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