Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sandy Hook

There aren't the right words to put on my blog about the events that took place on Friday, December 14th in Newtown, CT. 

I don't have an elaborate blog post ready with explanations. 

I just have my Savior and my prayers. 

My sweet Sunday School teacher is just amazing...she always listens to the Lord before speaking or acting and she wrote this post on her blog....I loved it and thought I would share it with you all. 

As a teacher this really hit home. And as a mother it shook me. 

I can't imagine what any of the victims are going through. I'm praying for all of them like so many other people. 

But I do know that I had a deeper look into my students sweet eyes yesterday morning. I hugged them even tighter when they came in and when they left. 

I know that God called me to be a teacher and to pour into childrens lives. I pray that I can be the best teacher each of my students need and always protect them in anyway that I possibly can.

I pray for healing for all involved. 

My heart is breaking for all of the victims...

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