Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy 6 Months Tucker!

Can't believe my little boy is 1/2 a year old. SLOW DOWN sweet baby boy!

Weight: 19.12lbs
Height: 25.5inches
Clothes:9-12 months
Size of Diaper: Size 3 almost size 4
Daily Routine: Nurses 5 times a day. Cereal in the morning and Fruit and Veggie in the evenings.
Sleeps 12 hour stretches at night
Naps twice a day...2-3 hours naps.
Milestones: Sitting with very little assistance. Rolls both ways. Rolls to get to the toys he wants. Pushes up on arms while on tummy. Enjoys playing with his standing toy with Mommy or Daddy assistance. Eats rice cereal...2 tablespoons a day mixed with breast milk, bananas, green beans and sweet potatoes. Responds to his name from across the room. Says Mama. :)  Loves to dance and listen to music. Enjoys listening to books being read to him. 

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