Thursday, May 3, 2012

One of the biggest compliments you can give a teacher is telling them that they have done a good job with their students. 

With the end of the year approaching fast teachers are usually very tired during this time of year.Testing, wrapping up data, finishing up projects with the students, and getting the classroom ready for summer can be overwhelming. 

Yesterday morning, I was told by someone who is pretty important that they were very proud of the progression my students have made this year. And very proud of my hard work. (I'm not bragging at all...just documenting the moment.) If you knew the students in my classroom this year you would understand that this meant a lot. I love each and everyone of my students but they came to my classroom this year with a lot of hurdles to jump through. 

I would not have received that compliment if I had not worked with some amazing collaborators. My special ed collaborator is down right amazing at her job. My ESOL collaborator brought so many creative ways of teaching into my classroom. 

When they say it takes a village to raise a child, the same is true for teaching them. 

I'm going to miss my students next year. We've worked really hard together to achieve their goals for the year. 

I couldn't be prouder of them!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post LAH! You have done a great job this year! Just like you always do with your kiddos!
