Thursday, September 22, 2011


I've come to the conclusion...and this isn't the first time...but I cannot make everyone happy.

I'm a very hard worker when it comes to my job. I put in 500% all the time. I get to work at 6am everyday and don't always get to leave when we are "allowed" to leave. I go above and beyond a lot for my students. But this year has just been down right hard. Like I've mentioned before I changed grades and I have a very ROUGH class. 12 of my 21 repeated Kindergarten. I do house the Special Ed, ESOL and EIP students in my room. I say all this not to complain but to give you a glimpse of what I'm working with this year. I feel defeated...I feel as though what I'm doing isn't working and not just academically. I absolutely love the grade level, and the students...but the struggles I have this year are far different than years prior. I like a challenge...but having support with the challenge is important.

I know things will be get better...but when?

In other news...aren't my pups so cute? They are so loyal and I always make them happy. :) And they always make me happy! (Well, maybe not when Ethel goes potty inside or runs out of the yard.)

I hope that I can make Tucker very happy. I don't want the stress of my job to interfere with his precious life. I remember friends whose parents jobs were so stressful and they took it out on their kids. I DO NOT want that to happen to us at all. I refuse to let my job mess up my family!

It's almost the weekend again...I live for the weekends. If that's what I have to do this school year then I will...but I don't want it like this forever. I want to skip into my job every morning like I used to....

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you!! That would be a seriously tough situation for anyone! :( I've been thinking about you as I've been reading your recent blogs. I hope that teaching gets back to the joy that it used to be for you.

    ~Emily (Hammett) Evans
