Monday, September 5, 2011

Crazy, Stupid, Love

The Mr. and I had a fun and unplanned date night last night!

We decided at 6:15 to go see a movie! And it started at 7:05! We made it on time though and were able  to see the previews! (One of my favorite parts!)

We went to see Crazy, Stupid, Love

We liked it a lot! It was funny, meaningful and eye-opening. Great movie with drama but with lots of love!

Seeing Steve Carell in a more "serious" role was great too! Ryan Gosling isn't bad to look at! ha! And Emma Stone is a favorite of mine especially after seeing "The Help".

I recommended going to see it if you haven't!

1 comment:

  1. Those turn out to sometimes be the best! I love the previews too, haha! I'll have to put this movie on my must-see because I have heard some great reviews!
